Due to the lack of importation regulations asbestos is still being used today. Its why you can’t exclude a building for the presence of asbestos based on its date of construction. Congresswoman Bonamici is introducing a bill to ban asbestos in the United States. For full article text, click here.
Independent Tests Clear Makeup Sold at Claire’s Retail Stores of Asbestos Contamination
After initial reports of asbestos contamination in makeup product sold at Claire’s stores, the company moved quickly to have testing performed by independent laboratories. The resulting reports indicate no evidence of asbestos contamination in their products, allaying mesothelioma concerns for users of the makeup across the country.
Johnson & Johnson Internal Documents Reveals Acceptable Baby Powder Asbestos Level
A Johnson & Johnson internal memo reveals that executives considered a 1% level of asbestos in their baby powder was acceptable because it was well below the level allowed for an asbestos miner at the time. This conflicts with their assertion that J&J baby powder never contained asbestos. The exposure of the memo has opened J&J up to a new round of law suits.