EPA Considering Reforms in RRP Rules
As part of a White House initiative to review and curb burdensome regulations throughout the federal government, the Environmental Protection Agency says its Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Program is slated for “early action.” The lead-paint rules are under a “priority regulatory review” intended to yield a “specific step toward modifying, streamlining, expanding, or repealing a regulation or related program,” according to EPA’s preliminary regulatory reform plan, as cited by Window & Door magazine.
While much of the document discusses how EPA will review regulations on a regular basis, with regard to the RRP program, it says specifically that the agency is now considering new post-work requirements designed to ensure cleaning meets clearance standards. Following a brief explanation of the RRP program, the document states:
“On May 6, 2010, EPA proposed additional requirements designed to ensure that renovation work areas are adequately cleaned after renovation work is finished and before the areas are re-occupied. These additional requirements included dust wipe testing after renovations and additional cleaning, if needed, designed to ensure that renovation work areas meet clearance standards before re-occupancy. The cost of EPA’s proposed additional testing requirements were between $272 million to $290 million per year ($2008). EPA is now reviewing the efficacy of both its original testing requirements as well as those additional requirements proposed in 2010 and expects to issue a final rule in summer 2011.”
President Obama announced the across-the-board regulatory initiative earlier this year, asking each agency of the government to establish a process for ongoing reviews of regulations. Each agency was also asked to identify rules and regulations that could be immediately streamlined or eliminated.
The document from EPA was released by the White House May 26 with similar plans from each federal agency, according to Window & Door.
White House officials emphasize that the regulatory reform process will be ongoing, and encourage the public to submit comments on specific regulations and reform efforts at www.whitehouse.gov/regulatoryreform.