When Do You Need an Environmental Inspection?

  • EPA & OSHA regulatory compliance
  • Building Demolition
  • Renovation
  • Tenant Complaints
  • Workplace/Home Healthiness and more


Rhoades Environmental provides state-of-the-art environmental inspection and easy to understand reports to help you comply with applicable regulations for your environmental situation.


Rhoades Environmental holds national certifications as a Certified Environmental Specialist (CES), Certified Remediation Specialist (CRS), and Certified Environmental Inspector (CEI).


With over 25 years of experience, Rhoades Environmental is honored to have received numerous client letters in appreciation of our commitment to meeting their needs.

Thank your for the Tremendous Job You Did in Assisting Us in Meeting the Regulatory Requirements

I want to thank you for the tremendous job you did in assisting us in meeting the regulatory requirements for asbestos and lead based paint for our remodeling project.

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Rick Bela
Town of Bernalillo

We Plan to Continue to Use Mr. Rhoades for as Long as He is in Business

I have worked with Ronald Rhoades on three different occasions and highly recommend his work. He is always prompt and courteous in responding to requests for costs and completion of his environmental assessments.

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James W. Siebert AICP

I Will Not Hesitate to Recommend Your Services

I will not hesitate to recommend your services for any and all indoor air quality issues related to our building, or encountered on any [of] our future projects.

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Vincent Payne

You Were a True Professional Every Step of the Way

…thank you for taking the extra time to answer all of my questions in detail, and for helping me understand your methods and results.

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Brian Hamrick

Report Was Comprehensive

I felt your report was comprehensive and provided enough information for us to make an informed decision…


Mr. Lynn Meiers

Quite simply the best in the valley.

It’s difficult to find great contractors in Albuquerque but you can halt your search with Ron Rhoades of Rhoades Environmental (https://rhoadesenvironmental.com/) because he is quite literally the finest in the industry.

Aaron Hankla

US Federal Contractor Registration Verified Vendor

Ronald Rhoades-American Council for Accredited Certfication - Council Certified Microbial Consultant
Rhoades: Environmental American Council of Accredited Certification Seak
Ron Rhoades, Rhoades Environmental | ACCC Council-Certified Microbial Remediation Supervisor