EPA Settlements with Renovation Companies Protect Public from Lead-Based Paint Health Hazards
San Francisco, CA -EPA announced settlements with three companies over claims of violations of federal law that protect the public from lead-based paint. The settlements address renovation, repair, and painting work performed by the companies – MCEC Inc., Kreative Paintworks, and ZPainters – at residential and commercial properties in the greater Los Angeles area. EPA claims the firms violated numerous provisions of EPA’s Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule. Two of the three cases against the companies were initiated by tips and/or complaints submitted by the public to the EPA. As part of the settlements, MCEC Inc. agreed to pay a $16,692 civil penalty, Kreative Paintworks agreed to a $10,000 civil penalty, and ZPainters agreed to pay a civil penalty of $3,053. For the full text, click here.